PinnedPublished inBlock MagnatesThe Metaverse is the WebThis is how the real Metaverse will happen.Jun 20, 2022992Jun 20, 2022992
Why AR Will Win — And Why it Matters HOW it Will Win“man is much more than a tool builder … he is an inventor of universes.”Alan Kay — “A Personal Computer for Children of All Ages”Dec 21, 202086Dec 21, 202086
The Augmented Conversation and the Amplified WorldHuman communication mediated by computers and Augmented Reality devices will enable us to dynamically express, share and explore new ideas…Sep 7, 202078Sep 7, 202078
Collaborative AR: Comparing ApproachesI think Croquet is the best thing I’ve seen in computing over the last 10 or 15 years. It solves some important and massive problems in…Aug 6, 202062Aug 6, 202062